Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#137: Hell's Angels

Easy one for today. again!
connect these people. the list is non exhaustive.
only try by rohan. but not correct. i thought this one was easy.
Viggo mortenson - the prophecy
Al pacino - the devils advocat
Liz hurley - Bedazzled
Peter Stormare - Constantine
All have played the devil in movies


R said...

dunno the first, second looks like deniro. liz hurley and peter stormare. maybe they have lent their voices to a video game Quake?

Kaushik said...

All played the devil/ satan in some movie or the other

Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate

Liz Hurley in Bedazzled

Gabriel Byrne in End of Days

Robert De Niro in Angel Heart etc

R said...

second is alpacino??? He looks a lot like deniro